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Hibiscus Jasmine Soda |
Before she left to study for the Bar in Los Angeles, the Grad Student managed to talk her father and I into several nice “going away” meals. Since I’m a sucker for a nice meal with either or both of my children, this was not a difficult task on her part. As we were discussing the various choices on our short list of places to select for one of our lovely little “food-a-tetes,” Commis in Oakland made its way into the dialogue. Commis is the French nickname for the bottom assistant in the kitchen of the Chef. The guy who cleans up after everyone else in exchange for kitchen experience. That little guy (or gal) at the bottom of the kitchen’s pecking order.
The GS and I chatted a bit, weighing the pros (it’s got a Michelin star, a great reputation and it’s local) against the cons (there weren’t any, except that the restaurant is small and reservations might be hard to come by). It took very little to push Commis to the top of our list. That conversation was just the necessary catalyst to get us to check it out before The Grad Student’s move to So Cal. It was just a matter of making the time to get there. So a little over a month in advance, I called in a reservation for three and we settled in to wait for our little trip together to bliss out on food. Again. We managed to obtain a reservation in an early evening slot, right as the restaurant opened, on a date we could all manage to make it. We picked a Wednesday so she would be done with class for the week and able to relax for the evening. I called. They answered. We were on the books and would soon be dining at Commis. Success!
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Amusing Eggs! |
The date rolled around and we headed to the address on Piedmont Avenue. We arrived a bit early, found a parking space and headed to see if we could get in early for a drink. We found a parking space directly across the street from where we believed the restaurant to be, but we were unable to see for sure, so we walked over to it. We got as far as Bay Wolf and realized we must have missed it. Turning around we walked back down the block and stopped where we thought Jojo’s used to be. All we saw was an awning. No street number was visible, but the door way led to a partially obscured window, with an interior visible that appeared to contain a kitchen. Maybe. The door was still locked (did I say we were early?) so we couldn’t peek in to see if it was indeed the right place, but it had to be. We know Piedmont Avenue pretty well, but even for those familiar with the area this place is pretty well hidden. It is the very small unmarked doorway next door to Bay Wolf, just across the driveway, on the same side of the street, and is the sort of tiny “hole-in-the-wall” that just isn’t going to be a place you accidentally stumble across. It’s more like many of the hideaways we found in Italy — but only with the help of locals and several maps. So trust your gut and be persistent. If you get there and lose your bearings, keep trying to find your way. It is well worth it.
Now on to the meal!
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the Bowl of Spring (Asparagus Soup)! |
We were quickly escorted from the doorway past the kitchen to the tiny dining room. The entire area consists of approximately six or seven tables set out in a dining room slightly bigger than my own. It is, however, a long, airy, very chic space with slick appointments and a very welcoming layout. It is also nicely lighted. A good place to show off, experience and consume food. The meal is always a single prix fixe of approximately sixty dollars for three courses. One may add another thirty for wine pairings with each course. We chose to go with the full deal, and experience their pairings in addition to the food. It was a wise decision, and actually pretty reasonable considering what one can sometimes pay in a fine dining establishment. I must remark here on something I have noticed in several restaurants recently that really irks me. Two people came into the restaurant, were seated at their table and handed menus. They looked briefly at the menus, called the waitress over, and left. Now given that this is not an establishment where one can simply walk in and sit down, the only conclusion I can draw is that these women did not do their homework. Or that perhaps they didn’t like what was on the menu? But that seems odd since there were three choices in each category and the food was not all that adventurous. In my mind, this sort of behavior demonstrates a lack of respect for the chef and the restaurant as a place of business. It’s not like the food was ill prepared, these women hadn’t yet tasted a bite. They clearly just changed their minds. Tacky. Those are decisions that should be made before one actually arrives at a restaurant for dinner. Just my opinion, but check the menu, check the prices, and check the restaurant’s methods of service before you get there to save everyone time and embarrassment. Why cost them a seating, especially in a place this small, smack in a middle of a recession? Again. Tacky, tacky, tacky!
But I digress. In spite of this momentary hiccup, our dining experience was truly wonderful. It began, as it so often does, with a creative chef serving us a clever little amuse bouche. Shortly after we put in our orders, we were each presented with a tiny glass shooter of Hibiscus Jasmine Soda, which was actually a “pre-amuse” bouche — an extra treat to whet our appetite for the next piece of what I hoped would be a masterful painting. The soda was full of promise for just that: light, fresh and frothy, it made a lovely tasting palate cleanser with which to begin our meal.
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Abalone - heavenly perfection |
The amuse bouche came next. This dish is one so good that I sincerely hope the Chef keeps it on the menu for some time to come, as I’d love to experience it a second time. Before going to Commis, I had read many on-line comments about this dish. It seems to be one of those special concoctions that makes an impression, that has a personality all its own, a dish with layers.
It looks like a fried egg in a ceramic bowl, but it is actually a perfectly poached egg yolk atop a cloud of onion cream disguised as egg white, with a sprinkle of smoked dates and chive meant to be eaten along with the foam and egg. The yolk was as full-bodied as a pudding, rolling over the tongue, it’s thick golden syrup mingling with the onion, dates and making the most amazing flavors together. It’s a magical concoction. My BH hates fried eggs. He doesn’t like egg whites. The look on his face just after he took his first tentative bite of this egg cream magic pudding was priceless. The uncertainty in his face turned to surprise. Our neighbors at the next table received theirs and the looks on their faces were likewise skeptical. Then we heard “Oh my goodness you have to taste this. It is the best thing I have ever eaten.” I certainly can’t disagree.
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Oh Cod, that was good! |
We were next treated to our appetizer courses. Since she has an allergy to seafood, the Grad Student thought the abalone might be risky and so began her meal with an absolutely delightful Chilled Asparagus Soup that might best be described as Spring in a bowl. The flavors of yogurt, pistachio mousse and a hint of meyer lemon mingled with the fresh asparagus to create a taste that mimicked well the tastes and sensations of that vernal season.
The BH and I do not have allergies, and abalone has long been one of my favorite foodstuffs on the planet. We each had the chef’s splendid Baby Abalone with Brown Butter, served over avocado with raw peas and kelp. The whole affair swimming in a pea shell bouillon. The abalone meat itself was soft and malleable, easier to cut with a fork than sponge cake. The bouillon and butter washed over the meat for the perfect blend of flavors. There is just nothing quite like butter and abalone for making a mouth full of tastebuds happy.
Once we got to the main, we were impressed and really looking forward to our dishes. There were three choices, and we decided to order one of each, so we could taste them all. Though the Grad Student was able to taste the Abalone (she is reasonably sure her allergy is not to shellfish), we knew she would not be able to try any form of whitefish, which was one of the main dish selections. Nevertheless she was kind enough to let us try a bite of hers.
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Poached Guinea Hen |
The fish choice on this evening's menu was a delectable Confit of Atlantic Cod. It arrived in the form of a lovely soft mound of Cod Filet sitting pertly in a broth of almond milk, carefully laid atop brown rice and a scattering of artichoke. The primary spice used was anise and the combination was this soft, delicate flaky, delectable fish with the most amazing subtle, luscious flavor. Oh my.
My my my.
The BH had their Poached Guinea Hen with seared potato, spiced with some crushed fresh thyme and served over spinach and chanterelle mushrooms. The meat of the bird was moist, fresh and savory, enhanced by the crispy outer skin which was seared to perfection. There is nothing quite like a well done bird in his book.
Slow Roast of Beef |
Our little fish-deprived Grad Student had the Slow Roast Sirloin of Beef with caramelized cauliflower and something the callled Spring Garlic Pudding. The whole affair was lathered in a sauce of bone marrow jus, just bloody enough to make it deliciously moist, the meat itself a spectacular cut of beef. Yes, I said bloody. I am a proud and unabashed carnivore.
When we had devoured our mains, and after lots of fork sharing, we were ready for dessert. We ordered the cheesboard, which was a lovely selection of cheeses: blue cheese roquefort (Vermont); soft goat’s milk, Sonoma; Sheeps’ milk, med hard, wisconsin - honeycomb, meyer lemon marmalade, walnut levain. All of them good, all of them vastly different from one another, which is nice at the end of a meal. The Europeans had a great idea. There is something satisfying about ending a meal with both cheese and a hint of sweetness. I think it may allow the sugar to somehow better complete the sensations on the palate. I don’t know exactly, but I know it fulfills an almost carnal need on some really primitive level.
Along with our cheese we had to try the Chocolate Brioche Pudding. It was a dark rich and chocolate-y mound of goodness that succeeded in being rich without being too heavy. It was accompanied by a nice dollop of green tea ice cream; and a smashing Popcorn Custard. This turned out to be a serving of moist and puffy popcorn laden custard, sweet, chewy and enhanced by the addition of some caramelized puffed rice. I liked all the textures and flavors together.
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Post Meal Cheese Board |
All in all, this was an amazing meal, well worth it’s star. But if you’re walking by, don’t blink or you’ll miss it's twinkle!
3859 Piedmont Avenue
Oakland, CA 94611
Dining time: leisurely, only serves dinner
Service: excellent
Noise level: moderate, maybe two bells. Quiet inside because it is small, but a good deal of wood. Doubt they could accommodate a large party, but if they could, it might be loud.
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Chocolate Brioche Pudding |